Heat Stress Monitoring

Monitor WBGT, Humidity,

Humidex, and Temperature

Heat Stress Data Trends and Historian

Voice / SMS / Email Alarm Callouts

Access Data Anytime, Anywhere

3M Heat Stress Remote Monitoring

Heat Stress Remote Monitoring

Ensure the safety of your employees and comply with OH&S regulations by remote monitoring for Humidity and Heat Stress to protect workers from extreme working conditions. Monitor for WBGT, Humidity, Humidex, and Temperature with SCADACore’s Heat Stress Monitoring.

QuesTemp Remote Monitoring

Heat stress monitoring is a requirement for most health agencies. Warehouses, factories, outdoor labour, shipping yards, or anywhere where heat and humidity could potentially be a health concern or could affect product quality, should be monitored.

  • QUEST Meters monitor data including: WBGT, Humidity, Temperature, Humidex, and Heat-Index

  • Set escalating alarms with early warnings can go to foremen, while higher thresholds will send email or SMS alerts to the users.

  • Heat stress units can be embedded inside the SCADACore Communication Package for a mobile solution. Heat stress units are also compatible with the Sentinel Local Alarm Box.

  • Add sound level and particulate monitoring for a complete monitoring package.

  • You have an existing heat stress meter that you want online? SCADACore will integrate your product at no charge.

Heat Stress Online Monitoring Applications

SCADACore’s IIoT Live Heat Stress Overview

Online heat-stress monitoring takes the manual work out of the monitoring process. There are no thermometers or hygrometers to manual check and notify staff. Using the intelligent Email / SMS / Voice callout system, alerts can be sent to dozens of individuals at once, notifying them of precautions that need to be taken.

Current & Historical Conditions

Current conditions are color-coded and historical data are displayed for simple, convenient access.

Heat Stress Monitoring for WBGT

Alarm Notifications

Escalating callouts allow administrators to set Email, Text, or Voice alerts for specific groups of people at specific heat levels. This allows foremen and supervisors to be alerted before employees when levels are elevated but not necessarily dangerous. Further escalation in temperature levels can alert employees or contractors on-site.

Heat Stress Voice Call Notification

SCADACore Callout Alert for Heat Stress Monitoring

Trending and Data Archival

Charts allow foremen, supervisors, and industrial hygienists to identify times of the day when heat stress can be dangerous to the employees.

Heat Stress Remote Monitoring for WBGT, Humidity, Humidex, and Temperature
Heat Stress Remote Monitoring

SCADACore Heat Stress Monitoring Packages

3M QuesTemp Heat Stress Monitor

SCADACore communicates with products such as the 3M QuesTemp 44 and report a wide-range of temperature and humidity readings such as: Humidex, Heat Index, Dry Temperature, Wet Bulb Temperature, WBGT Indoors, and WBGT Outdoors. QuesTemps are also compatible with SCADACore Alarm Stations.

Heat Stress Monitoring Package

SCADACore provides heat stress monitoring package, complete with onsite adjustable escalating alarms and siren), onsite data logging, and built-in connection to SCADACore with all IIoT Live capabilities. This system provides temperature, humidity, heat-index, WBGT, and more, along with powerful alarming features, for the less than the cost of industry-leading data-logging heat monitoring systems.

Want to know more?

Do you want more information on SCADACore’s Industrial Hygiene solutions?

  • Are you concerned about your employees safety and heat exhaustion?
  • Are you required to record and identify dangerous temperature, humidex, and WBGT levels for your employees?
  • Do you want to automate the alert system rather than trust your employees with know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion?
  • Are you an Industrial Hygienist who wants to provide remote heat stress monitoring as a service, brand your SCADACore site to your colors, and logo and save money on permanent monitoring?