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16 03, 2016

Emerson Roclink 800 Login Shortcut Key

2019-04-30T11:40:33-06:00March 16th, 2016|Categories: Oil And Gas Monitoring, Process Control|Tags: , , |0 Comments

For someone that uses roclink as much as me it can get tedious having to enter the default User ID (loi) and Password (1000) over and over again. There is a little known Roclink 800 Login Shortcut Key that can help save you a few seconds each time you try to login. At the RocLink 800 [...]

15 03, 2016

Converting Analog Input 4-20mA to 1-5V

2019-04-30T11:40:36-06:00March 15th, 2016|Categories: Devices, Environmental Monitoring, Health And Safety Monitoring, Industrial Hygiene Monitoring, Industrial Process Monitoring, Instrumentation, Oil And Gas Monitoring, Process Control, Remote Monitoring, Remote Surviellance, Renewable Energy|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

There are essentially 2 ways to read Analog inputs: reading current or reading voltage. Current is generally the most common because it can reach longer distances across the wire without losing analog input signal. Voltage, on the other-hand, will degrade over long distances producing inaccurate readings. When working with devices that only read 1-5V [...]

23 04, 2015

Roclink 800 Viewing Numeric Representation of TLPs

2019-04-30T11:40:42-06:00April 23rd, 2015|Categories: Communications, Devices, Oil And Gas Monitoring, Process Control, Remote Monitoring|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

There are two separate representations of the Roclink “registers” called TLPs (Type/Logical/Parameter). They can be viewed as either Text such as AIN A1, EU – Analog Input, A1, EU value, or they can be viewed as the more commonly used numeric format 3,0,14. The Roclink Protocol Manual will use the [...]